Ares Oracle
Tx method
An offline method that submits and saves the local publicly data by the validator node to the chain for debugging.
The dispatch origin fo this call must be none.
host_key: A random u32 for a node
request_domain: The warehouse parameter currently set by the node.
authority_list: List of ares-authority public keys stored locally
network_is_validator: Whether the node validator
- Fields of submit_local_xray
host_key: u32
request_domain: RequestBaseVecU8
authority_list: AuthorityAresVec
network_is_validator: bool
Submit an ares-price request, The request is processed by all online validators, and the aggregated result is returned immediately.
The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.
max_fee: The highest asking fee accepted by the signer.
request_keys: A list of Trading pairs, separated by commas if multiple, such as: eth-usdt, dot-sudt, etc.
- Fields of submit_ask_price
max_fee: BalanceOf
request_keys: Vec
An offline method that submits and saves the purchase-result data. If the count of validator submitted by purchase-id already reached the threshold requirements, then average price will be aggregation and mark PURCHASED_FINAL_TYPE_IS_PART_PARTICIPATE
The dispatch origin fo this call must be none.
– price_payload: Submitted data.
- Fields of submit_forced_clear_purchased_price_payload_signed
price_payload: PurchasedForceCleanPayload
signature: OffchainSignature
An offline method that submits and saves the purchase-result data. If all validators submit price-result, then average price will be aggregation and mark PURCHASED_FINAL_TYPE_IS_ALL_PARTICIPATE The dispatch origin fo this call must be none.
– price_payload: Submitted data.
- Fields of submit_purchased_price_unsigned_with_signed_payload
price_payload: PurchasedPricePayload
signature: OffchainSignature
An offline method that submits and saves the free ares-price results.
The dispatch origin fo this call must be none.
price_payload: Ares-price data to be uploaded.
- Fields of submit_price_unsigned_with_signed_payload
price_payload: PricePayload
signature: OffchainSignature
Submit a pre-check task. When a new validator is elected, a pre_check_task task will be submitted through this method within a specific period.
This task is used to ensure that the ares-price response function of the validator node can be used normally.
The dispatch origin fo this call must be none.
precheck_payload: Pre-Check task data, including validators and their authority account data.
- Fields of submit_create_pre_check_task
precheck_payload: PreCheckPayload
signature: OffchainSignature
When the validator responds to the pre-check task, the pre-check result data is submitted to the chain. If approved, it will be passed in the next election cycle, not immediately.
The dispatch origin fo this call must be none.
preresult_payload: Review response result data, which will be compared on-chain.
- Fields of submit_offchain_pre_check_result
preresult_payload: PreCheckResultPayload
signature: OffchainSignature
When there is an error in the offchain http request, the error data will be submitted to the chain through this Call
The dispatch origin fo this call must be none.
err_payload: Http err data.
- Fields of submit_offchain_http_err_trace_result
err_payload: HttpErrTracePayload
signature: OffchainSignature
Updating the purchase-related parameter settings requires the Technical-Committee signature to execute.
The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed of Technical-Committee.
submit_threshold: The threshold for aggregation is a percentage
max_duration: Maximum delay to wait for full node response.
avg_keep_duration: Maximum length to keep aggregated results.
- Fields of update_purchased_param
submit_threshold: Percent
max_duration: u64
avg_keep_duration: u64
Update the control parameters of ares-oracle
The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed of Technical-Committee.
need_verifier_check: Whether to start the validator checker.
open_free_price_reporter: Whether the free-price moudle is enabled.
open_paid_price_reporter: Whether the ask-price moudle is enabled.
- Fields of update_ocw_control_setting
need_verifier_check: bool
open_free_price_reporter: bool
open_paid_price_reporter: bool
Revoke the key-pair on the request token list.
The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed of Technical-Committee.
price_key: A price key, such as btc-usdt
- Fields of revoke_update_request_propose
price_key: Vec
Modify or add a key-pair to the request list.
The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed of Technical-Committee.
price_key: A price key, such as btc-usdt.
price_token: A price token, such as btc.
parse_version: Parse version, currently only parameter 2 is supported.
fraction_num: Fractions when parsing numbers.
request_interval: The interval between validators submitting price on chain.
- Fields of update_request_propose
price_key: Vec
price_token: Vec
parse_version: u32
fraction_num: FractionLength
request_interval: RequestInterval
Update the value of the allowable offset parameter to determine the abnormal range of the submitted price
The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed of Technical-Committee.
offset: A Percent value.
- Fields of update_allowable_offset_propose
offset: Percent
Update the depth of the price pool. When the price pool reaches the maximum value, the average price will be aggregated and put on the chain.
The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed of Technical-Committee.
depth: u32 integer
- Fields of update_pool_depth_propose
depth: u32
Update the pre-checked Trading pairs list for checking the validator price feature.
The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed of Technical-Committee.
token_list: PriceToken
- Fields of update_pre_check_token_list
token_list: TokenList
session-multi indicates the trigger pre-check session period before the era.
The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed of Technical-Committee.
multi: integer
- Fields of update_pre_check_session_multi
multi: T::BlockNumber
The maximum offset allowed for pre-check when validation.
The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed of Technical-Committee.
offset: Percent
- Fields of update_pre_check_allowable_offset
offset: Percent
Validator Audit
- Ares-oracle obtains the newly elected validator through the
trait, and submits thepre-check
task to the chain throughsubmit_create_pre_check_task
extrinsics. - Use the
trait to determine whether the session period close to the election has been reached, and if so, submit the new verification task to the chain throughsubmit_offchain_pre_check_result
extrinsics. - Validators that do not pass the review will not appear in the list of targets for elections.
Free Trade-price
- When the offchain is working, the block author of the current block will be obtained according to the data provided by
. - If the "authority-id" corresponding to the block author is consistent with the local "keystore",
obtain the list of "transaction pairs" corresponding to the block, and send an http request to obtain its price,
then call the
extrinsics upload the result to the chain . - The chain will verify whether the submission matches the block author of the current block, and if so, the result will be stored in the
pool. - When the
pool reaches the specified depth (this depth can be modified by the extrinsicsupdate_pool_depth_propose
), the average price aggregation eventEvent::AggregatedPrice
occurs, which will generate an average price to the chain. - The price related to a
trade pairs
can be read through thearesOracle.aresAvgPrice store
Paid Trade-price
- Users can submit a
transaction to have all nodes on the chain make an offer, but this requires payment some fee, which is more time-sensitive than getting the price for free. - If submit a task successfully, you need to get the
from theEvent::NewPurchasedRequest
event, which will be used as the associated key value for other queries. The amount of payment is related to the number oftrade pairs
requests. If the nodes participating in the response are less than the response threshold, the task will fail, and the fee will not be deducted. (This threshold can be modified by extrinsicsupdate_purchased_param
). - Once the price are aggregated successfully, an
event will be generated, and the relevant fees will be deducted from theorigin
account. Users can also read the corresponding result data through thearesOracle.purchasedAvgPrice
Worker Submit validation
- When
is executed, it will get the author of the current block, and if its correspondingares-authority
exists in the localkeystore
, it will get the right to submit the price. - After the price is submitted, the
method will confirm that the author is in the validator set. - Complete the third validation through
of Runtime. This is very important, without this layer of checking it may generate redundant commits during forks or cannot avoid old block attacks.