Run Node
Run Node
Mehod A:Run By Docker
1.Pull the latest image of the program
docker pull aresprotocollab/ares_gladios:latest
2.Open the command line tool and run the command execution node program
docker run -d --name ares_gladios aresprotocollab/ares_gladios:latest gladios-node --name your-name --chain gladios --telemetry-url 'wss:// 0'
Please type your-name in the format of Ares_TelegramUsername_bsc. Please ensure the name validity for reward counting and distribution;
for example:
name Ares_Emily0626(your username in telegram node group)_0xA86ed7899330DF48316E2A2842D5aD13F031Ab11(bsc address)
In above command: aresprotocollab/ares_gladios:latest
could be altered to other versions: aresprotocollab/ares_gladios:alpha
for more versions please reach out to:
3.Check program run logs
docker logs -f ares_gladios -n 1000
4.Stop and delete node program
docker stop ares_gladios
docker rm ares_gladios
Mehod B: Download Node Execution Program
Download node binary execution program:
Download address: gladios-node-linux-amd64–1.1.2–39df776
- executable gladios-node binary file
wget -c
- Add execution permit
chmod +777 gladios-node-linux-amd64-1.2.1-ba392b0
- Execute Nodes
./gladios-node-linux-amd64-1.2.1-ba392b0 --base-path data --name your-name --chain gladios --telemetry-url 'wss:// 0'
Please type your name in (Ares_TelegramUsername_bsc) format. Please ensure the name validity for reward counting and distribution;
for example:
name Ares_Emily0626(username in telegram node group)_0xA86ed7899330DF48316E2A2842D5aD13F031Ab11(BSC address).
Mehtod C: Compile Source Code
1.Instal Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
- Instal dependent libraries
sudo apt install make clang pkg-config libssl-dev build-essential
- Download Ares Code
git clone
- Switch to the release1.2.1 branch
git checkout release1.2.1
- Compile source code
cargo build --release
Note if you run into compile errors, you may have to switch to a less recent nightly. This can be done by running:
rustup install nightly-2021-06-09
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly-2021-06-09
cargo +nightly-2021-06-09 build --release
Verify Deployment Status
Log in Polkadot Telemetry
If your name is displayed in above page, then congrats, you have successfully deployed nodes on testnet.
Log in polkadot.js to check more block updates.